Covenant is a tabletop gaming company rooted in the concept of enabling connection between people. Established by a group of people who found some of their greatest friendships and most memorable experiences through tabletop games. Their biggest desire is to remove logistical hurdles so that people can just enjoy the game.

The Problem
When Covenant came to North UX, they had experienced some almost business ending technical instability. And when they could keep the website up, processing orders involved a lot of payment missteps and man power to orchestrate. They had a vision to enable customers to automatically get expansions to a game system, but the tabletop game industry didn’t fit into a standard subscription model. In their efforts to make a round peg fit into a square hole, they saw a lot of duplicate or even missed charges that required manually reviewing and fixing errors. They were making things easier for their customers, but harder for themselves.

Identified Needs and Solutions
Custom WooCommerce Subscriptions Add-on Plugin
We migrated the Covenant eCommerce shop to WooCommerce, and their existing subscriptions to WooCommerce Subscriptions. Because their vision and the industry didn’t fit into an off the shelf solution, we built them a custom plugin to extend the existing functionality WooCommerce Subscriptions offered. This allowed them to automate a previously manual process.
Custom WordPress Optimized Theme
We also built them a custom WordPress theme, optimized for speed and mobile users. Tailored to the kinds of content they publish, and eCommerce usability, the theme is sleek, and light.
Reliable Manage WordPress Hosting
When we were ready to launch, we did so on Pantheon. A hosting platform, that has built in back-ups, site uptime monitoring, and enterprise grade security. To read more about the Covenant site on Pantheon, visit the case study Pantheon did for Covenant.

The Results
We markedly decreased the load time of the website, enabling users to more easily browse and purchase on mobile. We nearly eliminated employee time reviewing and processing subscription fulfillment, and running the subscription renewals happens in a matter of minutes with a few clicks, instead of hours or days. This laid a foundation for scalability, and was key to the growth they’ve seen. They’ve been able to shift focus from staying afloat to dreaming about innovating for the future, and we’ll be with them as they do!
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